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  • Writer's pictureJan Thoreen Lewis

How to Make A Statement Without Yelling

Garden with rail
Juneau Garden, watercolor, SOLD, In Private Collection (Yeah, that's sort of a tease, but I know you have your own favorite places you might like to commission.)

If you're a parent, teacher, aunt, uncle, or grandparent, this is something you wish every kid would get.  Well, sorry.  That's not what we're talking about today.  Too bad.  "Your not the boss of me!" and "I'll just run away!" can wait for a psychologist to address.  I'm just an artist.

What we're talking about is That One Great Statement Piece you wish you could find for your home or you wish you were brave enough to put in your dining room.  The one where everyone says Wow! when they see it.  Where they stand there wondering how in the world you could have worked up the courage to put something so big, bold, and dramatic in your home.  A Real Statement.  And maybe they'll realize they never really knew you, or maybe they won't be surprised at all!

Snowy Pastel Day, 16x20" oil on canvas, $1275

Statement! What statement?  I'm so glad you asked.  A statement about YOU.  Your interests, memories, passions, favorite vacation spots, dreams, and the beauty that stirs your soul.  This is what matters, and a major piece of art that expresses them can bring your home alive!

Whether a large original painting that you commission or select from my online gallery or a reasonably priced large giclée print on canvas of an original painting that you've seen there, a Statement Piece can turn a dull wall into a WOW wall!  As your Art Guide bringing assistance from my personal gallery, I'm thrilled to provide the advice and guidance you need.  You can contact me at or make a comment to this blog, and I'll look forward to chatting about that big boring wall and how we can transform it!

Here are a few examples to prime the pump of inspiration.



Watch for: My next newsletter full of helpful and lively information about life and art. My twice-montly blog posts about my life with art at the Jan Thoreen Lewis Fine Art Facebook page, at, or by subscription in your email.

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